Child & Adolescent Evaluations (Ages Birth-22yrs)

Child & Adolescent Evaluations

As a parent, it’s painful to watch our children struggle in any part of their lives, and, in some cases, you may have a good idea of what’s going on. They’re having difficulty with reading or writing, they’re having trouble communicating, or they’re struggling with paying attention. Some parents feel that something ‘isn’t right,’ but they can’t quite put their finger on it. If your child is struggling in school, doesn’t seem to be fitting in socially, is having behavioral issues, or dealing with other difficulties across settings, psychological testing may be helpful in providing clarity into your child’s needs. Dr. Jones completes psychological evaluations addressing, but not limited to, the following concerns:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Learning and academic concerns
  • Developmental Delays
  • Mood Disorders

What is Psychological Testing & When Should I Consider It?

A psychological evaluation can address a variety difficulties and concerns that may present in a range of different ways. An evaluation can assist in answering questions about why your child is struggling to keep up academically with peers, having difficulty maintaining adequate attention in class, or displaying inappropriate social skills with friends. Even if your child already has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) through the schools, a medical diagnosis following psychological testing can provide access to resources outside of the educational setting and help parents plan to provide the necessary supports to ensure children are successful across all of their environments.

What Happens During Psychological Testing?

Psychological evaluations are typically completed over the course of three visits to our office. At the first appointment, we’ll review your intake paperwork and other documentation, discuss areas of concern, and conduct a clinical interview with you the parent and your child. We will also observe younger children during play or while completing specific tasks that will help us to better understand their abilities. Next, we’ll administer a comprehensive battery of assessments to ensure we make an accurate diagnosis that will help parents better understand their child’s strengths and areas of struggle. Finally, we’ll schedule a feedback appointment to discuss our findings and provide any recommendations for ongoing treatment or resources in the medical, educational, and community settings.

Will Psychological Testing & A Diagnosis Help My Child?

Many parents feel stressed or worried about scheduling psychological testing for their children, but actually, diagnostic testing can provide parents a better understanding of their child’s unique strengths and areas of struggle, which enables parents to offer the best support. Following our battery of psychological tests, we provide the information about your child’s abilities in the form of reports and recommendations, so you’ll be prepared to help your child succeed. When you’re ready to get started with the assessment process, reach out to Dr. Jones, and she’ll be happy to answer your questions and set up your initial intake appointment.

*Dr. Jones sees clients in offices in Fortville and Lafayette, Indiana.

Please contact PBG for more information about rates for testing evaluations.

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